
application/pdfTraining Module for NursesTraining Module for Nurses17/12/20135MB
application/pdfChildren's Story BookThe book is designed for children five to eleven. It includes 35 stories on such topics as tolerance, rights of the child, negotiation, cooperation, cross-cultural cooperation, stigma and prejudice, environmental stewardship etc. 15/05/20146MB
application/pdfManual for Positive DiscipliningThe manual is designed for parents and care specialists working with children. It presents the milestones of positive disciplining and gives recommendations for positive childcare. In addition, the manual explains the distinctions of child development for all age groups and tackles possible issues for parenting in education and various complicated situations. Armenian. 2011.15/05/20142MB
application/pdfTolerance Education: Teacher's ManualThe manual is designed for teachers of primary schools to promote values of tolerance, cooperation and compassion among children. It is based on the Children’s Story Book and includes such topics as tolerance, rights of the child, negotiation, cooperation, cross-cultural cooperation, stigma and prejudice, environmental stewardship etc. The manual has been recommended by the RA Ministry of Education and Science as an educational material for primary school teachers. 2008, Armenian.15/05/20141MB
application/pdfChild Safety: Brochure for Parents and CaregiversThe brochure outlines the most common causes of injury in children under five, provides advice on how to prevent these causes and presents the “child safety” calendar. The brochure has been reviewed and approved by RA Ministry of Health as a public health educational material. 2010, Armenian.15/05/2014231KB
application/pdfHealthy NutritionThe educational material is designed for primary school to raise awareness of school age children and contribute to development of lifelong practices of healthy nutrition. The material consists of (a) “Healthy Nutrition” Teachers Handbook and (b) “Healthy Nutrition” interactive learning materials for students of 1-4 grades (not attached: contact the Armenia CO for the interactive learning materials). This is a 24 hours curriculum to teach 1-4 grade school children on healthy lifestyle, nutrition and hygiene key practices. The curriculum was approved by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Armenia. 15/05/20145MB
application/pdfBasics of Sick Child Screening, Counseling and ManagementThe manual is designed as a training package for family physicians and pediatricians and provides guidance on screening, counseling, treatment and referral of sick child. It includes the WHO recommendations as well as national protocols and procedures. The manual has been approved by RA Ministry of Health as an educational material for pre-service and in-service training of health care providers in Armenia. 2010, Armenian15/05/2014630KB
application/pdfUN Convention on the Rights of the ChildThe brochure introduces the rights of the child as set by the UN CRC. It is designed for children, and respectively the articles are presented in child-friendly version. 2011, Armenian15/05/20142MB
application/pdfHow to Communicate with People with DisabilitiesThis manual has been developed within the framework of “Livelihood Improvement through Fostered Employment (LIFE) for People with Disabilities” Program, funded by USAID and implemented by Save the Children in Armenia. It is intended for youth and aims at introducing them the peculiarities of communicating with people with disabilities. Armenian. 201429/07/20146MB
application/pdfEmployment of People with Disabilities in ArmeniaThe goal of the study is to identify PWD employment needs and barriers to PWD employment. The rationale behind the study is that its findings will help policy-makers make better-informed choices in formulating policies that aim to improve the employment situation for PWD by, inter alia, removing barriers to employment, changing societal attitudes and perceptions and taking other pro-active measures to better address PWD employment needs. The study was conceived as a baseline assessment of the said needs and barriers. The Study was conducted within the framework of the “Livelihood Improvement through Fostered Employment (LIFE) for People with Disabilities” Program funded by the USAID and implemented by Save the Children and project “Socioeconomic Reintegration Programme for Mine Victims in South Caucasus” funded by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA)with funds of Austrian Development Cooperation through ITF and implemented by IOM.03/11/2014957KB
